We have two good reasons to avoid harmful chemicals: the planet and its people.
We test everything. We detect chemicals that are to be eliminated, we find alternatives to avoid them. And then we re-test everything.
We have an internal list of target chemicals which we update regularly according to latest research, technologies and international regulations. This list has two values for each chemical: the actual value used in the industry and the goal value. This powerful instrument has for many brands become a key source of information to be updated on sustainability.
We do R&D projects by ourselves, as well as with suppliers and research organizations to reach the goals summed up on our list. When we realize them, we look for harder goals.
A.M.F Lab is the only lab in Italy, soon to be certified ISO17025 , whose goal is not to make analysis. Our goal is to support brands in the path towards sustainable fashion. To reach this ambitious target, fashion cannot forget aesthetics. This is when our R&D unit steps in, respecting the environment while creating beautiful articles.